Have you been to Bravo?

Bravo's Studio Classroom
Bravo's Studio Classroom

Without workshops taking place during the holiday season, (who can compete with office parties and Christmas shopping?) it’s time to reflect back on and wrap up the year behind and plan for a new year to come.

2010 has been an interesting 365 days, to say the least. New instructors, new students, twelve Friday Night Libertys with instructor and member exhibitions and demonstrations and a successful, well attended after school program.

Art Lab Student
Art Lab Student

We taught many middle and high school at-risk children through the Liberty School. They actually did learn what 2-point perspective was. A booth at the Point Loma Farmer’s Market and at the Point Loma Nazarene University Fall Festival brought us new students. Chi Chocolat finally opened their doors downstairs! There have been quiet times with fewer trips to the bank. :0(  Our personal lives were stretched to the limits filled with loss and sadness and occasional moments of serenity, peace and joy. Creative opportunities presented themselves in the classroom, in the studio, in the kitchen and in the garden. As I write this I am immediately concerned about the roof leaks in our 98 year old house as the rain threatens to drip through the light fixture and ceiling once again… AND happy that we have rain after months of none.

I suppose we can’t have the light without the dark. I’m positive that great things are possible and available to us all.

Bravo’s new schedule of classes for the early part of 2011 is complete and ready for you. Please register for a workshop or two and consider becoming a member.

A few ideas are in the planning stages:

  • Super Membership….
  • Discounts in various Liberty Station businesses
  • Field trips to the museums related to specific workshops
  • Open studio time
  • an Exhibition schedule
  • Art Supply Garage Sale

In the moments between holiday celebrations and trips to the mall or airport, consider how you will take care of yourself in the new year and accept your gifts of creativity. Spend some time in our studio classroom, open to the creative spirit that moves in each of us. Be quiet. Listen. It will speak to you.

Wishing you a healthy, peaceful, abundant and creative holiday season.


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